Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Rare Starbucks Moment

I just had a Chai Latte at Starbucks. I have had these many times from Starbucks, but this was the first time I actually sat down, read a paper and drank the chai AT Starbucks. I see people do this all the time. One of my favorite shows is in San Francisco, where my booth is right in front of Starbucks. I watch many people hanging out there with computers, friends and coffee.

I always thought that someday I too would be able to just sit there and relax like that. My usual Starbucks experience consists of scurrying in frantically for caffeine enroute to a show, needing a bathroom break at a show, or getting coffee for the way home from a show.

So if I am sitting down in Starbucks, it must be January.

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About Me

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Calaveras County, California, United States
I love the stones and pearls, and the magic that happens when I combine them, and then again combined with the glass I make. You can find me at an Art show somewhere in Northern California most weekends during the spring and summer. Email me at if you like.