Its March!
It's almost spring, and even though I am in sunny California, spring is always welcome. My usual start to spring is the Belmont Arts and Crafts show, which is a very small show in the Carlemont Shopping Center in Belmont California.
This year is supposed to be cold, and possibly rainy, but it will be so nice to get out and about again.
As much as I would like to be telling you about all the exciting experiments I did on my "winter vacation", I must report truthfully that I didn't do too much. Most of December is taken up with physically resting from the show season, and participating in the Holidays as much as my depleted energy will allow.
I went on my annual pilgrimage to the Tucson Gem Show to restock my dwindling supply of unusual, or unusually beautiful jewelry components. I did some annual studio cleaning, and I created some new designs, and did some thinking about future designs.
Most of the winter I experienced a lot of grief related down time, and I have come to understand that I am pretty helpless when I am in it's grip. It feels like depression, but it's not really depression. It feels like lethargy, but not exactly the same. It feels like I can't get anything done, and that is the bottom line. One day I'll have a semi-normal day and I can cross items off the list. Lots of days I forget to do a list, and lots of days I lose the list anyhow. I am however much more functional than last year. I look back on last year and wonder how on earth I made it through. I must say a sincere thank you to all of you who patiently and kindly showed up and persevered with me at a show or two when I was completely overwhelmed. I made a lot of mistakes, but as I have always been fond of saying, thank the Goddess I am not a brain surgeon!
Hope to see you at an art show near you this year!
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