Wednesday, June 1, 2016


I am slowly getting the photography done for my website. There are a whole lot of things that haven't worked, but I am happy with some of the results so far.

My line of Sterling Silver Signature earrings is what I have been focusing on, and I would like to start with several pictures of each style on the website. I started using these green felt rocks, and I think that since the size of it stays the same, online shoppers will be able to gauge the relative size of each of the styles of earrings. The shadow things are irritating me, but I will just keep working on it.

Small Squiggle - Posts with pearls

1" twisted half hoops, with pearls

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About Me

My photo
Calaveras County, California, United States
I love the stones and pearls, and the magic that happens when I combine them, and then again combined with the glass I make. You can find me at an Art show somewhere in Northern California most weekends during the spring and summer. Email me at if you like.