Tuesday, August 25, 2015

She Looked for Me for 13 Years

   I was "waitlisted" for the Palo Alto show last weekend, and my name didn't get drawn from the waitlist hat, so I didn't get a booth.
      My husband does that show with his watercolors, so I was there with him anyhow, but it would be great to actually do that show. Maybe next year.

   It amazes me how relaxed the shows are from the other side of the "booth".  Of course, since I wasn't working, I was totally relaxed. I did meet a few friends and sell a few pieces, but the story I want to tell you about here really amazed me.

   I was sitting outside my husband's booth, people watching. Of course I like to look at everyone's jewelry, shoes and clothes. This isn't something I can do easily when I am working. The crowd was thin at the time, so I clearly saw a woman walking towards me from a good distance away, and something about her simple long necklace drew my eye. As she walked closer, I couldn't keep from staring at the unidentifiable object hanging from her long chain. I jumped up and approached her, and I could then see it was one of my glass hearts! I can't believe my eye knew what this was before my brain. Like a crazy person, I pointed to the heart and said " I made that!" I could tell from the size and color that it was a very early heart, made when I first started  the hearts.
         She said, "I am here looking for you!"
        What an amazing coincidence. 
         She bought the heart about 13 years ago at a San Mateo Italian festival my husband and I did only once. She said over the years she has received so many compliments on the glass that she wanted to buy one for her best friend. So she came to Palo Alto looking for me. She didn't even know my business name!
       So now I have a list for my next glass session, and these little hearts are at the top of the list. I love it when the Universe sends me an indisputable message of WHAT to MAKE! I also really admired the way she wore the heart on a very long simple chain. I think I will work on making those available too.

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About Me

My photo
Calaveras County, California, United States
I love the stones and pearls, and the magic that happens when I combine them, and then again combined with the glass I make. You can find me at an Art show somewhere in Northern California most weekends during the spring and summer. Email me at FUNGIRLSJEWELRY@Gmail.com if you like.