Thursday, April 23, 2009


I've been having fun with the new things I purchased at Tucson Gem Show this year. The necklace to the right labeled "New for Walnut Creek" is one of the pieces that is all new in '09

Tucson is so much fun!! My process what appeals to me. Oh, I do go with a plan, like trying to match stones with my glass, or listing and looking for what I think I need, and never has this really worked. What results in the best, interesting jewelry is to buy the things I have never seen before that are different and interesting. I don't (as a lot of you know) even remember what the heck they are!! And sometimes, it doesn't matter what the actual material is.
The piece to the right is made of glass ( the clear parts) and who knows what that black stone is?? I had never, in over 14 years of shopping at the Tucson Gem Show, seen anything like these two beads. When I bought them, I didn't even know they would go together. I also bought the metal beads this year that are shown here between the black and clear. What a great look!! All new!

The down side to this process is that I don't know how much of each stone to buy, and lots of times there are only a few strands available. For these reasons, there are only two of this necklace available. The other one features larger pieces. It isn't quite finished yet, and I may not take it to Walnut Creek.

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About Me

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Calaveras County, California, United States
I love the stones and pearls, and the magic that happens when I combine them, and then again combined with the glass I make. You can find me at an Art show somewhere in Northern California most weekends during the spring and summer. Email me at if you like.