Friday, June 20, 2008

We are in Escrow

I am so sad right now. We are in escrow for a house about an hour away from West Point. I told my neighbors last night, and I am so sad. I have moved many times in my life, and I know that you gain and lose something special with every move. But I am very sad right now. I am leaving wonderful friends and neighbors, and my little studio in the woods.
The new house is great, but right now it just doesn't hold a great deal of meaning for me. I suppose I will get over this, but right now I am so sad. How do I go make fun jewelry when I am this sad???

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gayle,
    It's really hard to be creative when your heart is so sad. I use times like this to organize my work until I am ready to get back to it. I've also used sad times to create work themed around things I have loved about whatever it is I am missing.
    Hang in there.


About Me

My photo
Calaveras County, California, United States
I love the stones and pearls, and the magic that happens when I combine them, and then again combined with the glass I make. You can find me at an Art show somewhere in Northern California most weekends during the spring and summer. Email me at if you like.