Friday, July 25, 2008

Truckee Mail List Gift with Purchase

My Truckee Art Show Mail List Email List Show Special are pictured at right, Bead Lapel Pins. I will give away three on Saturday, and one on Sunday to the first customers that ask!!! YOU NEED TO ASK, so I know you have read this posting!!! Then I also know you are on my list!!
I have found that most people come on the first day, and that is why I am giving away more on that day than on Sunday.
See you in Truckee!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fun Thing

I have a great story from a San Francisco show. It had been a really fun show, my first in the spring season, and the weather in San Francisco had been record-breaking sun and warmth.
It has been so cold there on previous shows that I almost cried! So it was a really great experience.
On the last day of the show, a woman walked by with this incredible orange-squash color purse. I swooned over it, and we proceeded to do some purse talk for a few minutes.....why she loved this bag, and so forth . ( It's true, white interior helps you find things easier!)
She started pick up a necklace and I encouraged her to try it on, and she backed off quickly, explaining that she was a compulsive shopper, currently in therapy to overcome this problem. I stammered a bit, told her I understood, and stopped any encouragement, and she went on her way.
A few hours later, I saw her coming up fast to my booth, and swinging the orange bag.
"Here" she said rather breathlessly, " take it. I want you to have it."
I hesistated, but she gave it to me and said, "It's part of my therapy".
I was stunned. My brain started to think about what I could give her, but then it instantly became clear that my job was to be the receiver at this point, so I took the bag and thanked her.
It took a few weeks for me to carry the bag. I had several shows in a row, a major death in the family, and life got hectic. Then I remembered the story, and remembered how much fun I had had at that show. So I started to carry the bag, as a reminder of just how much fun my job is, thanks to the wonderful people I get to meet.
It is getting pretty dirty right now. A woman stopped me in a restaurant last night, admiring my bag. I FROZE........ should I pass it on???? Is it my turn to let go?
Naahh. I'm going to clean it up today.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Finally making glass

I am finally making glass again. The heat coupled with the smoke, made it too unbearable (not to say unhealthy) to fire up the torch. So I am behind, but at least I am seeing molten glass!!
I will be in Downtown Truckee this weekend , July 26 & 27, at a new show. Truckee is a pretty artsy community north of Lake Tahoe, about 30 minutes west of Reno. This is the first year for this show, and I hope the community is supportive. We'll see.
The second Lake Tahoe show at Homewood I usually do that weekend was cancelled, and replaced with this Truckee show. So I still get my "semi-vacation" in Tahoe. If I make anything wonderous I will post some pictures before I go. Jury duty this coming Wednesday may end this possibility.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Back to Work

The temperature seems liveable, so I am going to try to make glass today. Of course, I will need to clean for about an hour to find the torch!!! I hope this cool weather trend continues. This is the first time the weather has prevented me from working. Too much smoke in the air to be in my studio, and too hot as well.
I did post the picture of the earrings and bracelet made from the crusty beads yesterday. These are shipping out to Libby Elliot. You'll get them as soon as I find your address Libby!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Please Don't Bring Your American Express Card

I just have to whine for a minute. Whine Therapy.
I may quit taking American Express. I have spent most of this morning trying to justify my credit card reports. There are deposits, and credits, and fees, and I try to track them. This is, of course for me, difficult. On top of this, the credit card software generated report has one total for each "batch", but American Express has it's own figures within each batch, so the totals on the afore mentioned deposts, credits and fees don't match up.
So besides being the most expensive, American Express takes all this additional bookkeeping time. Wow. This is the truly ugly side of doing what you love for a living.
Please don't bring your American Express Card.
I will post something fun later to make up for this. I think it will be too hot today to make glass.

About Me

My photo
Calaveras County, California, United States
I love the stones and pearls, and the magic that happens when I combine them, and then again combined with the glass I make. You can find me at an Art show somewhere in Northern California most weekends during the spring and summer. Email me at if you like.